포항 통계물리 세미나
지난 세미나
2021/03/03 PM4:00-5:00 MEE Seminar Series Guy Bunin (Physics department, Technion) Random interactions and high-dimensionality in ecology
2021/01/07 PM2:00-3:00 MEE Seminar Series 황동수 (포항공대 환경공학과) Foul plays a key role in plastic degradation
2020/11/06 PM5:00-PM6:00 MEE Seminar Series Arne Traulsen (Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology) Evolutionary dynamics on small networks
2020/8/7 PM2:00-2:50 MEE Seminar Series 이덕선 (인하대 물리학과) Stability of ecological networks
2020/8/7 PM3:00-3:50 MEE Seminar Series 백승기 (부경대 물리학과) Sex-ratio bias induced by mutation) Quantifying social effects using variance partitioning approaches
2020/7/22 PM3:00-3:50 MEE Seminar Series 강창구 (목포대 생명과학과) The use of comparative methods to test evolutionary hypotheses: case studies on animal coloration
2020/7/22 PM3:50-4:40 MEE Seminar Series 한창석 (경희대 생물학과) Quantifying social effects using variance partitioning approaches
2020/7/6 PM3:00-3:50 MEE Seminar Series 손승우 (한양대학교) 게임이론에서 전략들의 네트워크 구조
2020/7/6 PM3:50-4:40 MEE Seminar Series 이상훈 (경남과학기술대학교) Ecological networks: Nested or not—or does it really matter?
2020/6/24 AM10:30-11:15 MEE Seminar Series 김범준 (성균관대학교) Genetic algorithm with different environmental conditions
2020/6/24 AM11:25-PM12:00 MEE Seminar Series 김유섭 (이화여자대학교) Negative frequency-dependent selection in adaptive biological evolution and the maintenance of genetic variation
2020/6/12 PM3:00-4:00 APCTP Visitor Program 엄영호 (University of Strathclyde, UK) How exploitation and exploration shape the knowledge space (Online-ZOOM)